Learn to speak and read some basic phrases in LOTR style Elvish. Most phrases are taught in Quenya, but a few are in Sindarin. Greetings, blessings, and phrases from the stories are included in this version of Pedich Edhellen. Occasionally Sindarin words are used when there is no Quenya word available, or when the phrase in the movie was spoken in Sindarin. This is an interactive application, it can be used with or without sound, and you can repeat phrases as many times as you want. Also included are alphabet pages for both Quenya and Sindarin. All words are written in both Tengwar (Elvish script) and in English to aid in pronunciation and memorization. J.R.R. Tolkien was a Christian and translated the Lord’s Prayer into Quenya himself. His translation is included in this application as well. Enjoy!
This game was last updated in 2011. It was originally intended to run on a phone but currently only runs on a PC.
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